Sitemap - 2023 - The Beubble

A Guide to Get Started on Thought Leadership Ahead of the 2024 European Elections

The Five Essential Skills for Professional Success in EU Public Affairs

Why Brussels-Based Organizations Need to Strategize Their Long-Term Outreach Now

EU Canditate Countries, This is Your Roadmap to EU accession (The Copenhagen Criteria)

The world is going down to flames. Meanwhile, in Europe...

Ursula von der Leyen, Renew, and the battle for EU leadership

Annoucing 400 Million Votes

SOTEU & Treaty Change—what it means for EU public affairs

EU Treaty change procedure: how to reform the founding texts of the European Union?

A post-holiday checklist for EU-bubble professionals

Can NGO and business lobbysist can learn from each others?

Join The Beubble community

The three core values of the Public Affairs industry

Case study: an influence strategy for a pro-nuclear organisation

Learn how to learn: develop your expertise with these 4 tricks

The Brussels Effect: How the EU will Win the Climate Transition with its Standards

Notes on Working with the European Parliament

The building blocks of the Public Affairs profession

The Rise and Fall of Eva Kaili: From Greek Prodigy to European Pariah

Public affairs: more than a job—a cause

Why the removal of the Commission's staff on the EU Whoiswho directory is an opportunity for EU lobbyists

9 tips to make networking easy and less stressful

Lobby company Penta surveys Parliamentary assistants: how far should PA pro go for information?

White paper, policy paper, press release, and briefs—what are they, how to and why use them?

Advocacy is the marketing of ideas

Taking a new job in Brussels? Height action you should take before your first day.

Influence anyone—Six levers for getting your policy priorities adopted

Euractiv sold to Belgian Mediahuis: what is happening with the EU media?

How to use Social Media for a personalised approach at advocacy.

How to talk about Europe with your relatives and friends

The Essential EU Media List for Public Affairs Professionals: Stay in the Loop of European Politics

Media Influence 101: What is Media Relations and Its Role in EU Policy Lobbying

Turning 30: 30 tips and piece of advice for Brussels' professionals

Why and how we wrote and published a White Paper

Philipp Saueracker: "On the European stage, Germany is not giving the best picture of itself"

How to find a job in Brussels: the main job boards & how to use them

Do you want to influence the next European Commission? Start today

How a badly-written press release killed the tech's largest bank

IPCC sixth assessment report — Part 1: A man-made disaster which requires profound action

Thoughts on the China-Russia relationship

European Council, Council of the EU, and Council of Europe: what difference?

Reform of the European Electoral Law: transnational lists for 2024?

What EU Treaty change means for Public Affairs professionals

8 news values to dramasticly increase your reach in the bubble

Five media to follow to understand everything about EU policy

What is European federalism?

Europe's influence in the World

How to measure your contribution to your employer’s policy objectives & performance?

Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age—My complete notes from today's EP statement

From Quitting my Job to Landing My Dream Job: A One-and-a-Half Year Review

The State of Democracy in Europe: A Review of Current Trends

Video: The Fundamental difference between institutional affairs and business lobbying

Here is how I wrote and published a whitepaper in two months

Could one of these four become the next president of the European Commission?

60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty: Time for More Democracy!

Reform of the European Electoral Act: towards Union-wide standards and constituency

Let’s learn together these 10 essentials skills for political campaigners

The essential press review for EU professionals who come back from holidays

The Qatargate will change these two lobbying elements forever—Here's how to prepare for it

A deal with you—The Beubble's new year's resolution